Bertrand Pous has been Consul General of France in Toronto since September 2023

The Consulate General of France in Toronto welcomed the new Consul general, a career diplomat committed to the French community and promoting its culture in Ontario and Manitoba.

Bertrand Pous boasts a distinguished career as a diplomat, commencing his service at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) in 1994. He began his journey in the Economic Directorate, focusing on international financial affairs.

Throughout his tenure, he assumed pivotal roles, including that of a political counselor at the French Embassy in Ottawa (1999-2001) and Deputy Ambassador to Paraguay (2001-2005). In subsequent years, he made significant contributions to the Directorate of Strategic Affairs in Paris, addressing multifaceted global threats from 2005 to 2009. He then transitioned to the Directorate General of Globalization, leading the economic regulation and international trade office from 2009 to 2013.

Bertrand Pous continued his diplomatic endeavors on the global stage, serving as a Counselor for Cooperation and Cultural Action in Singapore (2013-2016) and in Australia (2016-2020). In these capacities, he cultivated impactful partnerships in cultural, scientific, academic, and educational spheres.

Before his current role in Toronto, Bertrand Pous held a pivotal position as Delegate for Programs and Operators at the Directorate General of Globalization. In this capacity, he oversaw the strategic allocation of financial and human resources, shaping France’s "soft power" policies and Official Development Assistance. Additionally, he managed key relationships with prominent ministry operators, including AEFE*, Campus France, the French Institute, AFD**, Expertise France, and CFI***.

Bertrand Pous is a graduate of Sciences Po Paris and the Reims Management School.

For updates on his activities as Consul General in Toronto, please follow his X account.

AEFE* : Agence pour l’enseignement français à l’étranger / Agency for French Education Abroad
AFD** : Agence de développement / French Development Agency
CFI*** : French Media Development Agency

Last modified on 24/11/2023

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